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War of Secession -

См. также в других словарях:

  • War of Secession — The American Civil War • • • Main Entry: ↑secede * * * War of Secession, the American Civil War …   Useful english dictionary

  • War of Secession — or War between the States n. the U.S. Civil War: also called WAR BETWEEN THE STATES or War of the Rebellion * * * …   Universalium

  • War of Secession — or War between the States n. the U.S. Civil War: also called WAR BETWEEN THE STATES or War of the Rebellion …   English World dictionary

  • War of Secession. — See American Civil War. * * * …   Universalium

  • War of Secession. — See American Civil War …   Useful english dictionary

  • Secession — (derived from the Latin term secessio) is the act of withdrawing from an organization, union, or especially a political entity. It is not to be confused with succession, the act of following in order or sequence.ecession TheoryMainstream… …   Wikipedia

  • War World — is a series of collaborative science fiction books set in the CoDominium universe of Jerry Pournelle, some novels co authored by Larry Niven and S. M. Stirling. It consists of five short story collections by various authors and two novels. Most… …   Wikipedia

  • War of Transnistria — Map of conflict region Date 2 March 1992 21 July 1992 (142 days) Location …   Wikipedia

  • secession — [si sesh′ən] n. [L secessio ] ☆ 1. an act of seceding; formal withdrawal or separation 2. [often S ] the withdrawal of the Southern states from the federal Union at the start of the Civil War secessional adj …   English World dictionary

  • Secession in the United States — Attempts or aspirations of secession have been a feature of the politics of the United States since the country s birth. The line between actions based on a constitutional right of secession as opposed to actions justified by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Secession in New York — This article is about the separation of New York State into two or more states. For the proposed separation of Staten Island from the rest of New York City, see City of Greater New York. There are and have been several secession movements in New… …   Wikipedia

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